AGS President Arti O’Brien Featured as a Presenter at Governor Inslee’s Governor’s Results Washington Initiative

AGS firm President Arti O’Brien was featured at a results presentation for Small Business Sector Growth and Supplier Diversity on May 24, 2023 as part of Governor Jay Inslee’s Governor’s Results Washington Initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to create a responsive, innovative, and data-driven culture of continuous improvement, focusing on transparency and accountability.
As part of this presentation, Arti discussed her story concerning surviving and thriving in the male-oriented construction industry, as well as common struggles concerning accelerating cash flow and difficult bonding requirement and insurance hurdles facing small businesses. Specifically, Arti suggested that there needs to be more oversight and accountability, especially so that subcontractors do not get “rolled over” by prime contractors.
Additionally, Arti thanked Governor Inslee for the small business programs that he has promoted, and noted that AGS has benefited and grown significantly as a result of these programs to become one of the largest female-owned construction companies in Washington and Oregon. As part of this growth, Arti shared that AGS was recently named as the Subcontractor of the Year by the Association of Government Contractors.
The video of this presentation can be viewed here (Arti’s introduction can be seen at 3:22, and her presentation begins at 47:14).