AGS and Navtech Install Groundbreaking Radar System to Enhance Highway Safety in the PNW
Tacoma, Washington (July 31, 2024) – Advanced Government Services (AGS), a leader in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is excited to...
Tacoma, Washington (July 31, 2024) – Advanced Government Services (AGS), a leader in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is excited to...
We're pleased to announce our newest US partner, Advanced Government Services, or AGS, who will be our in-country ITS partner for Washington, Oregon and Idaho.
ATS Traffic Ltd., Canada’s leading traffic safety provider, specializing in custom work zone solutions, sign manufacturing and intelligent transportation systems, partners with Tacoma-based traffic control company, Advanced Government Services (AGS).
AGS firm President Arti O’Brien was featured at a results presentation for Small Business Sector Growth and Supplier Diversity on...
Read how Arti O'Brien, Monique Allen, Bridge Wallis, and Della D. Mosier are leading the I-205 Improvements Project in the August ODOT Newsletter.
Arti O’Brien is president and CEO of Advanced Government Services, a company founded in 2003 but that she acquired in 2016.
Our President, Arti O’Brien, was selected as one of the 15 honorees for the prestigious Women of Influence award. Puget Sound Business Journal and a panel of judges made their selection from a pool of over 200 candidates in the region to select the best of the best. Learn more about this award.
AGS is extremely proud and excited to be partnering with Orion Marine Group that will be managing the SR 525 Mukilteo Ferry Terminal and building New Trestle Platform. AGS will support all Traffic Control Services & Equipment need. Groundbreaking ceremony was on August 30, 2017.
AGS has a proven record of over 5 consecutive years of work related time loss. Safety of our employees, customers and public is our #1 mantra while we provide any kind of Traffic Control Services. Safety is at the core of everything we do at AGS.
Puget Sound Energy (PSE) called upon Advanced Government Services, Inc. (AGS) to assist them in the restoration of power and clean-up of downed trees and powerlines to thousands of Whatcom County residents affected by the severe ice storm over the 2017 New Year's weekend. Learn about how we helped.